The boyf and I were randomly strolling around Paris on our way to the Jardin du Luxembourg when all of a sudden we noticed little groups of people forming in the streets. As we kept walking we realized that there were a few police officers and started thinking that maybe there had been some horrible incident or something, then suddenly...electro music starts blasting from who knows where and a troup of bikers came cruisin' down the street. At this point I am confused out of my mind. Following the growing crowd-lined streets buses, vans and all sorts of people came marching down the street in totally organized madness. Watch out SF, Paris might be the next big Pride town!
By the end of the day and lots of beer later, we found ourselves finally at the park and plopped down in some chairs, so pardon my exhausted expression.
Shorts: F21 T-Shirt: Homme H&M
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