Friday, September 5, 2008

art exposure

While I virtually know nothing about art, I do know that I always gravitate towards it. I have always been interested in various art forms and have always wanted to educate myself further in it.
Today I went to the Legion of Honor Museum in sunny (and surprisingly hot) San Francisco to see the Female Impressionist exhibit which featured many works by Mary Cassatt. I have never been a big fan of Impressionism as I've always found the colors to be too mundane and the "blurriness" of the paintings bewildering, but today I exposed myself to a whole new world of this art form. There were many pieces filled with the same deep, rich hues that surround the classic Italian paintings I love so much and many were removed of the "blurry" brushstrokes but replaced with more defined, solid images. Accompanying the paintings were often inspirational quotes from the artists themselves that fed the feminine emotions expressed through the paintings.

Today was truly an eye-opening experience for the art-impaired, yet I'm sure for those who know may know a thing or two this would still be a fascinating experience. I am looking forward to my next artistic journey to the De Young Museum to see the fabulous glass work of Chihuly! Here I come!

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